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Reception 2020-21

Welcome to Reception 2020 - 2021

Miss Rhodes, Mrs Hepburn and Mrs Taylor




Our weekly timetable

Monday- Reading books are changed. 


Wednesday- P.E day. Please send your child in warm outdoor P.E kit.


Friday- Forest School. Please send in wellies for your child. 


We are now sending home one paper reading book per week. Please continue to access bug club and re-read books to improve fluency. Please ensure reading records are in school daily.

Sports Day- Race 4

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Sports Days- Race 3

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Sports Day- Race 2

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Sports Day- Race 1

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This half term we have loved our Dinosaur topic. We definitely have some dinosaur experts in Reception! Have a look what we have been up to smiley

It has been so lovely to have everybody back together again! We have had lots of fun exploring our new provision and we are now allowed in the sand and mud kitchen which has been very exciting! We have been doing lots of fun things such as 'zooming' firefighters, visiting the school pond and we have had a very special 5th birthday party smiley

What a super first week back!

Where did the time go?! Have a look at what we have been up to in our first 7 weeks of school. We have been very busy!

Come as you please day!

As you can imagine the children were very excited to be dressed up! They had lots of fun playing in their outfits and telling their friends what they had come dressed as. Thank you everyone for taking part!

Take a look around our classroom!

Remote Learning

We love singing these songs in class! Have a listen...

Documents for Parents: What to expect, when?


Below, we have attached two very useful documents for parents of children in Reception.


The first document is a parents guide to the EYFS, the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is the statutory framework for learning in Reception.


The second document is "What to expect, when?"

As teachers, we are looking that children are able to show elements in the 30-50 months and 40-60 months age bands in the Autumn term. Please scroll down to the age bands, and see if you can identify where your child may sit, and therefore how you might be able to support them at home with their learning.
