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Year 4 2020-21


 Hello, I hope you have all had a lovely break.  Thank you very much for the generous Christmas gifts - it is much appreciated.  This half term our topic is  called A Matter of Change and is Science and DT driven - please find the planning below. Our PE days continue to be Monday and Friday - please come to school in PE kit on those days. Lessons will continue to be outside with Tag Rugby on a Monday and our Spiral PE session on a Friday.


                                                                      Many Thanks

                                                               Miss Pickles and Mrs Routledge



Times Table Rockstars Day

Christmas Jumper Day

                         Photos from Autumn 1

First two weeks in Year 4 - Maths problem solving, making and flying kites with messages about how we will fly high this year, drama in literacy and golden time on the trim trail.

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