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Year 2 2021-22


 with Mrs Bourne,

Mrs Bailey, Mrs Ghali, Mrs Routledge and Mrs Watts

We have been performing the poem On the Ning, Nang, Ning by Spike Milligan

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Group Two...

Still image for this video

Group Three...

Still image for this video

Group Four...

Still image for this video

We have been working in pairs to design a new town and then created 3D maps to show the human features.

We are exploring position and direction using our bee-bots.

We have loved our DT puppet project. First we used software to design our puppet, then we carefully stitched the pieces of felt together and added the details.

Our trip to see some amazing animals and their habitats at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

We have been investigating living things in their habitats.

We enjoyed our workshop with author Beth Woollvin. She explained how she creates her books and she also showed us how to create an illustration of a Tree Troll.

We can use kitchen tool effectively to make our fruit smoothies.

We enjoyed singing and signing ‘Three Little Birds’ as part of our class assembly.

Still image for this video

Our wonderful performance of ‘Simama Kaa’

Still image for this video

Celebrating World Book Day: We enjoyed sharing some fantastic stories with each other.

Looking after our physical and mental health with Kidz Fit.

Barbara Hepworth Sculpture Project: L.O - We can use some of the ideas of artists studied to create pieces.

We have worked carefully to design and build our moving vehicles.

We tested and evaluated our finished vehicles.

We can work together to discuss and devise an investigation to discover which type of ball bounces the highest.

Who will help me make the bread? ...We will!

We have created our own collage artwork inspired by Henri Matisse.

Our amazing self-portraits.

This week's spellings:

Daily Reminders:

Please bring your...

  •  Reading book (in your school book bag)
  •  Water bottle
  •  Coat
  •  Small snack


Please don't bring any pencil cases, large school bags, toys or any other objects from home.

Weekly Reminders:


Tuesday:         PE (please come to school in your PE kit)



Friday:            PE (please come to school in your PE kit)

                        Reading diaries collected and checked (If you have read at least 3 times in a week, you will climb
                        one step up our prize beanstalk!)

                        Spelling Quiz and new spellings added to Shelling Shed and our class webpage.

Weekly Homework:

  • Daily reading 
  • Spelling practice (Look, say, cover, write, check)
  • Spelling Shed (recommended at least 3 times a week)
  • Learning Log activities
  • Times Tables Rock Stars
  • Maths Shed

Our Classroom:
