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Year 1 2017-18

Welcome to Year One!

Miss Welsh

Mrs Erwin, Mrs Yellow, Mrs Walker and Mrs Robinson. ☺️ 

Summer 2 "Robots":

Monday: Library visit

Tuesday: Miss Duffy

Wednesday: PE (Dance - indoor kit) 

Thursday: PE (Athletics - outdoor kit) 

Friday: Spellings and homework sent out (on occasion)

Our final few weeks in Year One . . . 

Well - what an amazing day we have had in a Year One! We came into class this morning to find a Robot has been into our classroom overnight and trashed it! He left behind a spanner, lots of nuts and bolts and a big mess! We have written him a letter to ask him why he came into our classroom and how he got in! We are excited to get a reply. We cleared up all the mess and made our own very life sized Robots this afternoon. They are looking amazing but, wow didn’t we make a mess?! There was glitter, paint, glue and foil EVERYWHERE! We had so much fun. See our pictures below!


This is the moment we saw what had happened to our classroom ... 

Pom Pom Celebration: Our Classroom Party Monday 21st May 2018!

Royal Wedding Fever In Year One! 💍👫

Year One Great Outdoors Picnic 😍

Summer One Highlights 

World Book Day 2018

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