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Year 6 2021-22

Here you can find: updates on our learning, curriculum information, letters, weekly spellings, homework, reminders and much more.

Keep checking regularly for updates. 

Mr Dancer, Miss Ridge and Mrs Owen


Weekly Reminders:

MondayPE Day                                                                                                                                               

PE Day 


Reading Diaries Collected In

Change Library Books
Spelling Test and New Spellings Issued 

Important Dates:

W/C 9th MaySATs Week                                                                                                                                    
W/C 20th June Herd Farm Residential

Weekly Homework:

Daily Reading (Diaries should be in school each day) 

Times Tables Rock Stars/ Maths Shed  (At least 3 times a week)

Spelling Shed (At least 3 times a week)

Topic Based Learning Log  Activities (See suggestions bellow)

SPAG Revision Spy Game 

If you want to play the game at home, follow this link:

and use the pincode MG7910

Science - Using symbols to represent circuits


Assault course for group 2 and a few extras!

All children in Puzzle Palace! 😄


Roast dinner for tea and apple crumble! ☀️ 🥵

Group 2 on the crate stack

Ice Lollies in the sun ☀️

Lunch time. Selection of sandwiches today 🥪

Group 3 on the moonwalk, nightline and low ropes!

We had to wake a few of them up this morning and one’s still asleep!

Hot Chocolate Before Bed

An Epic Water Fight!

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Miss Welsh and Miss Furnell arrived for tea - Chicken Casserole and Ice-cream!

Delicious Pasta for Lunch!

Great team work and resilience during orienteering!

A fab cleaning up team this morning!

A much quieter breakfast table this morning - they must be tired!

Songs round the campfire!

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A perfect evening for a campfire and s’mores!

The next set of chores and a visit from Mrs Harrison!

The class gave David the Chef 10/10 for Tea - Sausage and Mash for Mains and Treacle Sponge for Dessert

Group 3 - Giant Swing

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Group 2 - Giant Swing

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Group 1 - Zip Line

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After Lunch Chores - “Maybe this isn’t so bad after all!”

Clear plates - jacket potatoes and a selection of toppings for lunch!

Morning Chores and Room Inspections

Cereal and Toast for Breakfast after a night without a peep!

Over and out for today - Settling down with a biscuit and Horrible Histories before bed!

Group 1 - Giant Swing!

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A sing-along in the woods!

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Night Walk - A visit to the Emmerdale set and the woods!

Herd Farm - Chores

DT - We had great fun making and programming lego fairground rides!

Jubilee Celebration - Year 6 Rock the 1980s

Hot Dogs, Wagon Wheels, Bikes and Scooters - End of SATs Party 🌈🚲🌭😁

Exploring Chords

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A fantastic trip to Lotherton Hall - photography by Max 👍📷

Science - Investigating the most common invertebrates within the school grounds!

Science - Researching how microorganisms and plants are classified into broad groups

Our PE session with Kidz Fit!

Music: Busy high street mimes to the ostinato in Bolero!

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Science: Evolution and inheritance - investigating which beak is most likely to be inherited on an island where the main food source is plant seed!

Our performance of Something Inside So Strong

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Our fantastic performance of Refuge

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Tom Palmer visited us last week to talk about his new piece of writing, 'The Barnbow Lasses' which linked to the war topic that we studied in Year 5. We were lucky enough to be 1 of 3 schools to win this visit by Tom!

Our performance of Voices Calling!

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Take a read of our fantastic newspaper reports based on Macbeth!

Art - We have begun our new topic of landscapes by getting out in the school grounds and using viewfinders to sketch our local landscape.

Art - Our final portraits based on the works of Barclay Hendricks, Freida Kahol, Picasso, Rembrandt, Van Gogh and Andy Warhol.

Music - Our final performances of World Unite!

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Art - Recreating Hans Holbein portraits

Macbeth - Group 1

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Macbeth - Group 2

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Macbeth - Group 3

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Macbeth - Group 4

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Macbeth - Group 5

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Art - Creating colour palettes based on the work of Hans Holbein

Science - Explaining how shadows are formed using models

Music - Understanding pitch through notation

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Science - Controlling variables and recording our results!

PE - Improving our dribbling skills

Music - Developing co-ordination and rhythm skills

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Science - creating models of how we see things

Music - exploring beat and syncopation through body percussion

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Science: Investigating how light appears to travel

A preview of our classroom!

Supporting Learning at Home:
