On our class page, you will find information about all aspects of our learning, including curriculum coverage, P.E days, homework, spellings and useful website links. Please check regularly for any special events, changes and reminders.
In Summer 2, our theme is 'Incredible Egyptians,' a history focus exploring the way of life, beliefs and rituals of Ancient Egypt. We will use timelines to understand the chronology and investigate different sources of evidence to find out information.
In Art, we will be exploring Ancient Egyptian designs on clothes, tomb-paintings and death masks, and developing ideas for our own pharaoh-style mask.
Also this half-term, the whole class are lucky to be receiving weekly ukulele lessons by a musician!
Monday | Miss Kaye teaching P.E |
Tuesday | Miss Kaye teaching |
Wednesday | Miss Kaye or Miss Shedlow teaching (alternate weeks) |
Thursday | Miss Shedlow teaching P.E (please bring both indoor and outdoor kits as lesson types/ skills can vary, as can the weather) |
Friday | Miss Shedlow teaching Spelling test New spellings will be uploaded onto this class page and put on Spelling Shed |
Weekly Homework
Daily reading (recorded and signed in reading diaries - these should be in school every day)
Spelling Shed - at least 3 times a week (to help children learn for their weekly test and revise other rules and patterns)
Times Tables Rock Stars/ Maths Shed -at least 3 times a week
Topic-based learning - 1 task per half-term
Weekly Spellings
Curriculum Information
Useful Links