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Year 5 2023-24

On our class page, you will find information about Year 5 curriculum coverage, P.E days, homework, spellings and useful links. Please check regularly for special events and reminders. 

In Summer 2, our theme is 'The Incredible Egyptians.' We will investigate the attitudes, beliefs and ways of life of men, women and children in the Ancient Egyptian times. We will describe the social hierarchy of the Pharaoh's rule over his subjects, who had different jobs and varying degrees of importance e.g. Viziers, scribes, peasant farmers. We will use sources of evidence and timelines to explain key events and chronology.


Our creation of Ancient Egyptian ceremonial and death masks in Art will complement our history work.


In Science, we will study the effects of different forces on the shape, movement and speed of objects. Key vocabulary includes gravity, friction, air and water resistance. 





Miss Johnson teaching

P.E - please come in P.E kits


Miss Johnson teaching

WednesdayMiss Johnson or Miss Shedlow teaching (alternate weeks)

Miss Shedlow teaching

P.E - please come in P.E kits


Miss Shedlow teaching

spelling test and new spelling list given


P.E kit update:

There are lots of sporting activities going on this week in Year 5!

Please can children wear P.E kit on the following days:


Tuesday - dance

Wednesday - football tournament

Friday -dance


Thank you

Key Dates:

Wetherby High - A Day in the Life of a High School student - Wednesday 22nd May 2024

London Residential Tuesday 4th June - Wednesday 5th June 2024

London! 2024

British Museum - we all loved the Egyptian displays!

A good nights sleep after an AMAZING show! Just filled up with breakfast!

At the theatre diner with live singing! It’s amazing!

Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, debate and a picnic!

A spot of soght seeing, Buckingham Palace, Downing Street and the Natural History Museum!

'A Day in the Life' at Wetherby High

DT - Cams. These photos show us designing and making our wooden cams, a mechanism that will move space-themed objects.

Music group 8

Still image for this video

Music group 7

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Music group 6

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Music group 5

Still image for this video

Music group 4

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Music group 3

Still image for this video

Music group 2

Still image for this video

Music group 1

Still image for this video

Contemporary dance session

French games revising key vocabulary

Singing in rounds in Music

Still image for this video

Enjoying playing tuned instruments


Daily reading - recorded and signed in reading diaries

Spelling Shed - at least 3 x a week

Times Table Rockstars/ Maths Shed - at least 3 x a week

Topic-based homework - 1 per half-term

Weekly Spelling Lists

Curriculum Information

Useful Documents

Useful links
