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Year 5 2020-21

In Summer 2, our topic is 'Incredible Egyptians.' We will investigate how and where the Ancient Egyptians lived, finding out what was important in their everyday lives. We will explore hieroglyphs as a means of communication and discover the process of mummification. Linked to this in Art, we will be create portraits and Egyptian masks. Our science focus is forces, exploring gravity, air resistance, and friction. 

In English and guided reading, we will use a range of texts to further develop our comprehension and writing skills. We will practise using different sentence structures and techniques to build cohesion within a text.

In Maths, we will continue to follow the White Rose Year 5 programme of study while offering small group 'reconnect' sessions to bridge gaps in knowledge and understanding. 












Spelling Test and new spellings handed out.

Earlier this term Year 5 visited Wetherby High School for a day in the life as a high school student. They had a great time trying out lessons in Science, Art and Geography. The best part was definitely the lunch, which was enjoyed by all!!

We've had a great day at our WW2 Day. The children enjoyed making blitzed buildings, dancing The Lambeth Walk and making their party teas!


Still image for this video

It's Christmas!! We've had a great morning decorating the classroom. Here's some of the snowflakes displayed on the classroom window.

Year 5 Show Off Their Remembrance Art and Poppy Bookmarks:

We hope you like our classroom!

Home Learning:

It is an expectation throughout Key Stage 2 that children carry out the following activities weekly:

  • Reading (daily, if possible)
  • Times Table Rock Stars (at least 3 times a week)
  • Spelling Shed (at least 3 times a week)
  • Topic-based learning log activities (see below)



Useful Websites: