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Year 1 2020-21

Welcome to Year 1 with Miss Welsh, Mrs Watts and Mrs Routledge ♥️ 😍 🎈 


Welcome to our last half term in Year One!

Scroll down to find out weekly spellings.
Our topic in Summer Term Two will be

During Summer Two, we will be learning all about the Human Body! As scientists, we will investigate and explore features of the Human Body and our senses. As designers, we will be designing our very own moving robots with a simple lever and we will also be learning about body percussion in Music with the topics 'Our Bodies' and 'Machines'.
 Scroll down to view more about our exciting half term on our Medium Term Plan . . . 


Phase 5 Phonics | Learn to Blend

Use the Simply Phonics YouTube channel (videos available for Phase 3 and Phase 5) to practise and consolidate Phase 5 sounds learnt throughout Year One. Children are familiar with these videos and they are very beneficial in supporting blending.


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Patiently waiting for our sunflowers to grow 🌻

Mister Wind Music

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The Great Outdoors - Challenges the first week back

Some of our recent challenges . . . When we’re not sitting at our tables you’ll find us completing our challenges in provision!

Exploring mass and weight ⚖️


15.3.21 Our introduction to rulers! Exploring measuring in CM.

10.3.21 Unfriendly and friendly scenario sorting PSHE 👫

Winter Sunshine ☀️


The end of Autumn Term. Great Fire of London - The Events Timeline! We independently sequenced the events that took place between Sunday and Thursday during September 1666.

Our amazing tens and ones work!

Observing signs of Autumn with a lovely Autumnal Walk in our school forest 🍁 🌳

Wetherby Arts Dance Workshop with Katy 💃🏼

Group Starflake

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Group Hermit Crab

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Group Dinosaur

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Fire Fire! Some of our new provision areas and challenges for after the half term holidays . . .

Zumba & Yoga on our new sanitised mats!

We ♥️ Year 1 & our table buddies!

Our beautiful writing about the “Perfect Present” Story

Our Fantastic Phonics

Our fantastic White Rose Maths work!

Some of our challenges in Year 1 provision

Enjoying our 'challenge time' in Year One Provision

Enjoying our outdoor area in Year One!

Can you spot your first challenge?

Take a look around our new classroom . . . We're ready for you!

A virtual tour around our new classroom!

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Weekly Reminders:

Monday Mrs Watts is my teacher in the afternoon.
Tuesday Mrs Watts is my teacher in the afternoon.
Wednesday I need to come to school in my outdoor PE kit.

I need to come to school in my outdoor PE kit.

I will have a spelling quiz in my new green spelling book!


My Weekly Homework now I am in Year One:

-> I need to read my home reading book to a grown up as much as possible. 

-> I need to practise my spellings on spelling shed as much as possible.

-> I can complete some topic based learning log activities if I want to.

