Check this page regularly for updates and key curriculum information.
Welcome back Year 4!
This term (Summer 2), our topic is 'The Magna Carta: Law, Liberty and Legacy!' This has a history focus. Please see below for our medium term plan as well as homework ideas linked to our class topic. These ideas can be adapted as you wish. Any extra work your child does at home is always warmly received and rewarded, but it won't be marked.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and children will be tested on a Thursday. We will begin learning words ending with -gue. Spellings will also be uploaded to the spelling shed and spare copies will be available from Mr Dodd.
Remember to keep reading at home and to continue to learn the times tables up to 12 x 12 off by heart!
During this term, our P.E days will be more flexible to make the most of the summer weather, so please ensure that you have both your indoor and outdoor kits in school from Monday to Friday.
Our library day is a Friday.
Many Thanks, Mr Dodd.