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Our topic this half term is Minibeasts!


Our Week:


P.E (please come in P.E kit)

Reading books are changed (please ensure these are in school daily)



ThursdayLibrary (please return library books each week)
FridayForest School (please come in P.E kit)


What should I bring each day?

  • Reading books 
  • Reading record
  • Water bottle 
  • Small snack
  • Warm waterproof coat
  • Warm hat/ gloves/ sunhat (weather dependent)


Please bring in a spare change of clothes, waterproofs and wellies to be kept in school 😊


Please continue to check the class page for important dates. If you have any questions please email the staff account or speak to a member of staff on the door.

Important Dates:




Forest School stay and play

Finding the beat 🎶

Still image for this video

Chinese New Year 🧧

Adventures at the care home 😊

Exploring the snow and ice ❄️

Christmas fun 🌲 🎅

The Twinkly Nativity 🌟

The Twinkly Nativity 🌟

Still image for this video

Colour mixing 🎨

Our performance for the Residents 🎵

Still image for this video

A Visit from the Residents 🤗

Baking biscuits for our visitors 🍪

Have you brought your speaking voice? 🎶

Still image for this video

A trip to Wetherby Food Bank

Thank you pictures for the Fire Station ✏️ 🔥

Have a look around our lovely classroom!
