We currently have pupil spaces in year 4 - if you are looking for a school place please contact Mrs Bamforth in the school office.
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Year 3 2021-22

This page will provide you will lots of important information such as PE days, curriculum coverage and useful links.  This page will also be updated with photographs and videos of the exciting learning and experiences we have during year 3 and any changes to our routines.



Please note that fruit is not provided in KS2 and so children wishing to have a snack at playtime will need to bring one into school with them.



PE will take place on a Monday and Thursday, so please come in to school in full school PE kit on these days.  PE will often be outside, so please ensure you are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather! Please also remember to bring a water bottle in each day.


Support at home

It is an expectation throughout school that Spelling Shed and Times Table Rock Stars are accessed a minimum of 3 times each week, outside of the school day.  Please support your child in accessing these, as this will help them to develop fluency of the skills taught in school.  


Please also read your with your child at least 3 times per week.  Where possible discuss the text with them, discussing events, motives and actions. This will allow them to develop their understanding and inference skills as well as their word reading. School reading books will be changed each Friday, however please ensure reading books and records are brought in to school each day. 


 Learning Logs


A new learning log will be added each half term to link in with our current topics.


Spelling tests

Spellings to learn will be uploaded to Spelling Shed on a Friday for testing the following Friday.  Spellings will also be added to this webpage.


Thank you for your support with this.


If you have any questions over the course of the year, please don't hesitate to contact us through the email address.


Year 3 visit to Harrogate Synagogue

Year 3 Rock the 50's for the Queens Jubilee

World Book Day

Christmas in Year 3

Building a year 3 team!

Making milk bottle mammoths to help us write instructions

TT Rock Stars day - improving our multiplication knowledge with year 4

Useful Websites
