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Reception 2018-19

Welcome to Reception Class 2018 / 2019

Miss Welsh, Mrs Hepburn and Mrs Taylor 


Our ‘End of Reception’ celebration Party! 

Our Best Friends

Summer 2

Let's go to the seaside & dive underwater . . .

You can keep up to date with all our learning every day on Tapestry.

You can also view our curriculum plan for this half term on the curriculum page.

Please note we will be doing PE two days a week during the Summer 2 term.


Reception Weekly Timetable Summer Term Two:

Monday: Visit to the school Library (every other week)


Wednesday: PE Day (Sports Day Practise and Preparation)

Thursday: *Show and Tell* (NOW ON THURSDAYS!)

Friday: Dance with Nicola from Leeds Rhinos

Important Dates:
Class Photo: Tuesday 4th June 2019
Sports Day: Friday 12th July 2019


Summer 1 - People who help us

Dinosaurs 🦕 

We're out of this world!

"SPACE" Spring 1 Term

'A Wriggly Nativity'

Friday 14th December 2018

Mini-beasts Autumn 2

Superheroes Autumn 1

Settling in

Have a look around our classroom...

Still image for this video

Home Learning:


Below I have attached some letter and number formation booklets, as well as a list of high frequency words (so important for your child's reading) and some optional homework activities. Regularly printing off these activities below and doing them with your child will help them so much with their learning in school! 

Documents for Parents: What to expect, when?


Below, I have attached two very useful documents for parents of children in Reception.


The first document is a guide to the EYFS, the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is the statutory framework for learning in Reception.


The second document is "What to expect, when?"

As teachers, we are looking that children are able to show elements in the 30-50 months and 40-60 months age bands in the Autumn term. Please scroll down to the age bands, and see if you can identify where your child may sit, and therefore how you might be able to support them at home with their learning.


Letters/ Newsletters/ Important Info:
Summer 2:
Summer 1:
Spring 2:
Spring 1:
Autumn 2:
Autumn 1:
Recommended websites for Reception: