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Year 5 2019-20

Welcome to Year 5!

Miss Ridge, Mrs Erwin & Miss Furnell.

Here you will find work to do each week until we can all return to school. I will be updating the page every week (usually a Monday morning) with new work for you to complete throughout the week. There will reading, literacy and maths activities, as well as something linked to our topic. 


Please also continue to read at home and access TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed a minimum of 3 times per week.  You've also got the Year 5 Challenges to complete that were sent home in your pack. 


You can contact me directly on 


If you scroll down to the bottom of the home learning section, I've now added some of the fantastic work you've been sending me. Keep up the hard work!


Keep safe and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

Miss Ridge laugh

This half term we are going to be using litfilmfest for our literacy work. Get ready to begin a 7 week series of cross-curricular writing lessons based on the digital book, ‘El Dorado’!

I'm hoping that you will really be able to get your teeth into this project, culminating in a swash-buckling pirate, treasure-hunting adventure, that can be written and videoed at home.


Each week I will upload a series of activities for you to work through and there are also links to youtube videos on the worksheets that will help you with each activity. 

I won't remove the activities each week, so if you get a bit behind don't panic, you can work through it at your own pace.

Every week White Rose Maths will be adding videos of daily lessons and worksheets.

Please try your hardest to do all of these (they should only last 20 minutes). 


They are also  linked to BBC Bitesize where you can do some extra practice:


Continue with Summer Term Week 8. 

White Rose are no longer providing their worksheets on their website, as we are Premium members however, you can still access the worksheets and answers below:


Ancient Egypt




This half term our topic should have been Ancient Egypt. 


As last half term, below is a list of activities for you to complete to learn all about life in Egypt in the past. You do not need to complete all of the activities this week - I will just keep adding to them over the next few weeks to complete as and when you can. 


This is one of my favorite topics and I am really sad we are not there to do it together. There is so much to learn about with this topic, so if you do anything other than my suggestions, please send it through to me, I love seeing your work. 


1) Who were the Ancient Egyptians? -


2) What was life like for the Ancient Egyptians? -


3) What did the Ancient Egyptians believe in? -


4) Who was Tutankhamun? -




Week 6 - This week you will create a frottage patchwork from rubbings of textured objects which you find around your home. You will need a pencil and paper. Use the link to watch the video with instructions how to complete the activity.


Week 7 - This week you are going to look at how Vincent van Gogh used visual texture in his sketchbook, then explore pencils and mark-making to enhance your own work.


Week 8 - This week you will look at an optical illusion artwork before creating your own. You will learn to shade into show that an object is three-dimensional.


Week 9 - This lesson is called 'The Circle Challenge'. You will have to think of as many circular objects as you can, then use your imagination and creativity to beat the challenge. 


Week 10  - In this lesson, you will learn about automatic drawing and create our own abstract artwork


Week 11 - In this lesson you will learn about French artist Henri Matisse and create a collage inspired by his work.




This unit will teach you all about  different forces such as friction, gravity, air resistance and water resistance. You will also learn about the use of mechanisms such as levers, gears and pulleys. There are different videos and activities to work through over the next few week. I'm not expecting you to do all of these in one go!!!


Go Online: Forces and Motion-



Gears, Levers and Pulleys -

Levers -

Pulleys -

Bill Nye The Science Guy: Simple Machines -



- Investigate what objects float and sink in the kitchen sink or the bath and find out about Archimedes' principle. (

- Investigate different shapes of paper aeroplanes and which are most effective; discuss why.


Make it:

- Make a mini-parachute for a teddy. What shape or size is most effective?

Make a simple pinball machine using a cardboard box and ice lolly sticks and explore the science of forces and motion. (


Explore: Explore gravity by dropping a selection of objects on the floor – do they always fall? Discuss why.


Test: Test how a toy car moves down a ramp made of different surfaces or covered in different materials.


Research: Find out about Leonardo Da Vinci's work with simple machines. (



- A Crash Course in Forces and Motion with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Emily Sohn

- Can You Feel the Force?: Putting the fizz back into physics by Richard Hammond

- Fatal Forces (Horrible Science) by Nick Arnold

- Forces and Motion (Mind Webs) by Anna Claybourne

It's really important to try and stay active whilst you are at home. When the sun is shining, try and get outside at least for some exercise each day and you can join Joe Wicks each weekday morning at 9am for a half an hour session.








Last half term our Science and Geography topics were Nature Detectives and Rivers. 

I will keep these activities on here incase you didn't get chance to complete them all and you wanted to catch up this half term. 


1) Have a look at the Woodland Trust website:  

There are lots of fun outdoor activities that you can be doing either in your garden or when you are out on a walk. Send me a picture of anything you get up to! 


2) Create a model or picture of a flower and label it with all the different parts - can you explain what the function of the different parts are? 


3) Can you research some of the worlds famous rivers, e.g. The Amazon, The Nile, The Mississippi. Create a powerpoint, leaflet or poster showing all the infomration you have found out. Things could include, what countries it passes through, the length of it etc. 


4) Ask your mums or dads to sign your up to the Wild Days website:  It’s free.

4a) Complete some or all of the sessions all about different types of shelters. Including learning about the diversity of life, things that fly and plants for our planet.

4b) Complete some or all of the sessions about water.

There are lots of different activities for each of the sessions – so let me know which ones you complete and send me some of your work to see what you have been getting up to.


5) Features of a river. Watch the BBC bitesize video on rivers and read the information. Can you complete the quiz at the end? Can you create a picture, poster or 3d diagram of a river labelling all the features? We’ve done this using chalk on the playground in the past!


6) Read through the information texts on different life cyles (in the reading section above). 

Research and create an information text on the life cycle of your favorite animal and an insect. 

What are the main differences between the two lifecycles?


7) Create a board game based on the life of a river. Include at least 10 facts or processes of a river. 


8) Complete the activity sheet "Different Uses of a River" 


9)  Wild Days website:  Complete some or all of the sessions all about climate. 


10) Look on the RSPB website "Homes for Nature". Can you make a home for insects or animals in your garden. Create your own set of instructions using pictures or photographs.


11)  Read through the PowerPoint below all about how different animals are adapted to suit their habitats. 

11a) Research 4 different animals and explain how are suited or have adapted to their habitat. 

11b) Can you create your own species that would be suited to the different habitats shown in the PowerPoint?


12) Take part in the BBC Bitesize lesson on How Plants Reproduce:


Here is some of the fantastic work Year 5 have been doing at home. Keep up the hard work! smileyyes

What Have Year 5 been up to this week? (W/C 29th June)

What Have Year 5 been up to this week? (W/C 22nd June)

What Have Year 5 been up to this week? (W/C 15th June)

I think you'll agree that these Egyptian flatbreads look delicious!

Gemma has got busy with making a 3d Pyramid - super work!

Jack and Luke Y both enjoyed finding objects around the house for their Frottages.

Lucy has been working super hard - she sent me sooooooo much work including the most amount of maths I have ever seen. Here is just a small sample of what she has been getting up to!

Amazing nature documentaries from Gemma and Sam.

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Still image for this video

Aaron has been doing a super lot of writing!! Well done!

Jake has been working hard creating a non chronological report and finding out about the Ancient Egyptians!

Jack's excellent photo collage and nature documentary! Really super work!!


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I loved receiving Evie's nature documentary. If you recorded yours and haven't sent me it yet please do!

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We may have been in lock down but that didn't stop Y5 from having lots of fun celebrating VE Day.

Welll done on your biographies Sam and Luke Y. Keep up the hard work.

Wow a beautifully presented biography Caitlin!

Aaron has also been out enjoying the sunshine and taking some excellent photographs.

Ben has done even more writing - this time all about basketball and VE day. He has created a fantastic nature collage too!

Evie has created some fantastic images by editing her photographs.

Jack is still working super hard - this week creating a brilliant biography on Jane Goodall and Orla Kiely art work.

Gemma has made a fantastic collage of her photographs with her beautiful dog taking centre stage!

Lily has taken some beautiful photos whilst out on her daily walk and written a news report about staying at home!

I think Luke Y's rabbits may be the stars of the show in our nature photographs so far!

Theo has created his own newspaper report about lockdown!

Bella has been out taking photos on her daily walk too!

Caitlin has been super busy!! I love the nature photos!

And Evie has been doing some revision on the functions of the different parts of a flower.

A fantastic Sky Explorer's Log from Luke for our literacy this week!

Aaron has been working super hard too!!

Gabriel has done some beautiful work to begin our topic of Nature Detectives!

Along with all of Sam's other work he sent me, I was super impressed with his birdhouse and writing about it. He's also been busy learning all about rivers. Well done Sam!

Ben has been learning all about Hadrians Wall. He's also done a fanstic information leaflet on the River Tyne. Great work!

Toby has done some excellent research comparing Wetherby during the Victorian era and modern day Wetherby.

Bethany has been working super hard on her literacy!

Jack has been learning capital cities with Joe Wicks in the morning and been learning about Guy Fawkes. He has also made a fantatsic start on his science work labelling the parts of a flower.

An excellent book trailer Luke, well done!

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This term our topic is “Nature Detectives”, where our focus is Science and Geography.   




PE this half term will be on a Monday and Thursday. Can we  please ask that both indoor and outdoor PE kits (including trainers) are in school ALL week not just on PE days. This will ensure that children don't miss out should the timetable change or there are any additional PE activities taking place. As the weather is still cold, please can you ensure your child has a warm jumper/hoodie for PE and ideally joggers or leggings (although I know that some of the class will want to wear shorts even in the snow!!!) 

Thank you smiley


Weekly Reminders:


Reading records handed in.  












Weekly spelling test






New spellings handed out.


Our Version of Chinese Lion Dancing

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Chinese Lion Dancing

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Year 5 had a fantastic session taking part in some Chinese Lion dancing to celebrate the Chinese New Year.

Year 5 worked exceptionally hard with Wetherby Music Centre this half term learning the violin. Miss Ridge was extremely impressed with how much they have progressed in only a half term - Lily even performed in the Wetherby Music Centre performance!

Our final week of cooking - Toad in the Hole and Lavender Shortbread. Well done Gemma making your own lavender infused sugar for the shortbread.

Another yummy week of WW2 cooking. The stew was delicious!

Would egg-less chocolate cake be more of a success than last week's syrup loaf? Y5 were definate fans. The corned beef fritters were a hit too!

Our WW2 menu consisted of Mincemeat pie and Syrup loaf this time. We all enjoyed the pie, but eggless syrup loaf wasn't as successful, we're glad our eggs aren't rationed!

Mock Fishcakes and Apricot Upsidedown Cake were on the menu for our first week of WW2 cooking. They were delicious!

Year 5 having a "brain break" after working really hard on their writing.

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Getting our maths brains warmed up ready for Year 5 maths!
