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Year 1 2023-24

Year One Teachers - Miss Welsh & Mrs Thompson

We have lots of support staff in Year One! (see below)


Welcome to the fabulous Year One Class! The theme for our final half term in Year one is "ROBOTS!" After the May Half Term holidays, our learning will have an exciting Science theme. We will learn all about the Human Body and identify and name a variety of common animals. In DT, we will design our own Robots. Scroll down to read our Medium Term Plan - "Robots" to find out much more detail about our learning.


 Homework expectations in Year One: Children are expected to read at least 3 times per week at home and practice their spellings on spelling shed / paper (below) at least 3 times a week. The children will receive 5 Dojo points for reading 3 times at home, and 5 Dojo points for practising their spellings 3 times. In total children can earn 10 extra points per week for completing their homework.




Mrs Thompson teaching 

Support staff: Miss Johnson, Mrs McGowan, Mrs Smith and Mrs Routledge. 

*Reading books changed* - Please have your books in school on Monday.


Mrs Thompson teaching

Support staff: Miss Johnson, Mrs McGowan, Mrs Smith and Mrs Routledge. 


Mrs Thompson or Miss Welsh teaching (alternative) 

Support staff: Miss Johnson, Mrs McGowan, Mrs Smith and Mrs Routledge. 

PE DAY! Please come to school in your PE kit. 


Miss Welsh teaching.

Support staff: Mrs Kerr, Mrs Sagar, Mrs Routledge and Mrs McGowan

PE DAY! Please come to school in your PE kit.


Miss Welsh teaching

Support staff: Mrs Kerr, Mrs Sagar, Mrs Routledge and Mrs McGowan

Spelling Quiz Day


How is the day structured in Year One?

Phonics Check Information for Parents (a paper copy will also be sent out before May Half Term, along with some words to practice)

WEEKLY SPELLINGS: In addition to weekly spellings, the children will also be able to practise Year 1 High Frequency Words on Spelling Shed from now until July, to ensure they are secure with spelling these in preparation for Year 2. Please note, we practise these regularly in our Phonics lessons so they won't be 'tested'.

D.T - The children worked so hard making their own robots! Thank you so much to all parents who sent in boxes and extra bits to make this possible! All of the children’s robots included levers to make parts of the robot move! After the children had made the robots, it was time for cricket....but whilst the children were outside, the robots had a party without them!!

All Stars Cricket - Yay!

Science Testing - The 5 Senses 👄👃👅👂

We have had a great afternoon doing a Lego workshop! We made our own houses and then used a battery to make it light up! E turned the lights out so we could see the houses lit up better.


Sliding into our first school trip! 💕🥳 YIPEE!

WATER PLAY FUN! What a fabulous time we had b

Minibeast hunting. Zoom in to see which MINIBEASTS we collected!

Our lovely Year One classroom 💛

Our Year One Provision 🥰

Our AMAZING Gymnastics 🤸‍♂️ Week 1 with our Gymnastics coach.

We love playing Wonky Donkey in PE! It improves our balance and we enjoy competing against our friends to see who can hold the most objects!

Today was a rainy day so our forest school session took place inside. We enjoyed making bird feeders!

Week 2 of Forest schools - we learned rules about sitting and moving around a fire. Then we collected sticks for the fire and to build a bug hotel..

Forest School Photos! We enjoyed our first session in the woods!

Learning about algorithms 😀

Learning about Pictograms in Computing. The most popular 'favourite fruit' was strawberries and the last popular was bananas. We all love fruit in Year One - lots of us like lemons too!

Year 1 Gymnastics! The chidren enjoyed this week's PE lessons, they used their bodies to mae different shapes and letters! Can you guess which letters they made with their group?
