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PE and Sports news

Welcome to our PE Page at Deighton Gates Primary School 2023 - 2024

Please keep an eye on our PE and Sports News page for all updates! 

If you do have any queries about PE this year, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Welsh, who is the PE Coordinator in school. 


We have been so busy in school enjoying lots of physical activity. Here are some of the things we have enjoyed so far ...

  • A Contemporary Dance workshop with Northern School of Contemporary Dance
  • A Musical Theatre style Dance workshop with Stage Coach
  • A Dance workshop with Flex Dance
  • WINNERS of the Leeds United Foundation Football Workshop "Let Girls Play"
  • Key Stage Two have enjoyed 'cognitive' skill PE lessons with Spiral PE 
  • Key Stage One have enjoyed a full half term of Gymnastics with the Leeds Gymnastics School
  • Every child in our school has benefited from taking part in Forest School.

In the Summer Term we will enjoy Sports Day, a Dance Festival, and some Football Competitions linked to the Euro's! Watch this space!





KS2 Football Euros Event! Look at our skills ⚽️🤩

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Euros day! Whole school house football tournament!

Our Girls Football Team heading for Victory!

Year 1 PE Fun! (To improve my understanding of controlling power.)

Using the ladder ropes in our Playmaking activities!

Our Playmakers in Action!



Look at our amazing new active playground markings!

Let’s exercise!

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