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Reception 2022-23

Welcome to Reception!

Miss Rhodes, Mrs Hepburn, Mrs Routledge, Miss Smith and Ms Fisher


 Our topic this half term is At the Seaside!


Our weekly timetable:







P.E day (please come in full P.E kit)


Library day (please bring in library books to be changed)


Reading books are changed (please ensure books are in school daily)


Please continue to check the class page for important dates. If you have any questions please feel free to email the staff account



Reading with Year 4 šŸ“š

Iā€™m a train! šŸŽ¶

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Learning to be safe pedestrians šŸš¶ā€ā™€ļø

A visit from the farm šŸ· šŸ® šŸ‘

Baking, decorating and eating our yummy bread šŸ“ šŸž

Adding some singing and actions- Popcorn šŸæ šŸŽµ

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Moving to the music- Popcorn šŸæ šŸŽµ

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Demonstrating our agility, balance and coordination in P.E

Fixing our vegetable patch šŸŒ±

The Little Red Hen story mapping šŸ“

Coronation celebrations šŸ‘‘

P.E- Balancing beanbags

A trip to the pond šŸø

Spots šŸŽ¶ āš«ļø

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Creating our planets šŸŒŽ

Creating a background for our moon pictures šŸŒš

Investigating dinosaur poo! Is it from a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore? šŸ¦•

Split pin dinosaurs šŸ¦–

Can you make a tapping sound?

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Salt dough caterpillars šŸ›

P.E- Experimenting with force

Music- Caterpillar to Butterfly šŸ¦‹

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Minibeast hunting! šŸŖ±

Music-Spider tricks šŸ•·

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Can you guess what spider sounds we are making with our bodies?


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Halloween biscuits šŸŽƒ

Autumn walk šŸ

Our first week in Reception!

Phonics Blending Song

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song

Phase 3 Tricky Words Song
