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Year 4

Welcome to

                        Please use this page to check weekly spellings and all Year 4 related updates

                                             Miss Pickles, Mrs McGowan, Miss Johnson and Mrs Bailey

Year 4 2024/25

Weekly Events:

MondayWeekly Spelling Test and visit to Library
TuesdayPE - Please come in PE kits. New spellings issued
WednesdayCoaching groups
ThursdayMrs Thompson teaching am.  Dhol drumming session. PE - Please come in PE kit.
FridaySpecial Mention Assembly.  Reading folders checked.


Weekly Homework:

Times Tables Rockstars/Maths Shed (3 x a week)

Spelling Shed (3 x a week)

Daily Reading (Diaries in school all week, books changed on Friday)

Learning Log Activities (ideas below)

Spellings and Learning Log Homework:

Curriculum Information:

Visiting the school library


First Day in Year 4. Solving a maths puzzle, handwriting, team building and learning the Paralympic Sport of Goalball
