We currently have pupil spaces in year 4 - if you are looking for a school place please contact Mrs Bamforth in the school office.
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School Meal Payment Information

School Meals are pre ordered on the School Money website or via the Teachers2Parents App.


Link to School Money Website -


School Meals – £2.60 per day, £13.00 a week


School meals must be pre-ordered selecting a meal from the menu or packed lunch from home.  You are able to pre book 3 weeks in advance, but request you do so at least a week at a time.


Please note Universal Free School Meals are available to all Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 children but they still need to be pre booked.



Packed Lunches


We advocate healthy packed lunches for the children at school. We’ve attached some links to useful websites for ideas. Please also ensure that the children have a healthy snack for playtimes i.e. a piece of fruit.
