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Year 2 2017-18

Welcome to Year 2!


Here you can find: updates on our learning, curriculum information, letters, spellings, reminders and much more.

Keep checking regularly for updates.


In Summer 2 our topic is: How does your garden grow?

(See curriculum information below for a more detailed breakdown on what we will be learning.)


*NEW* Summer  2 - PE days will be Mondays and Thursdays as we have a specialist coach.





Weekly Reminders:
Monday Outdoor PE kit (coach)

Hand in homework

Thursday Outdoor PE kit

Reading diaries collected in

Spelling test

New homework and spellings handed out

NB - Children have the opportunity to change their home reading book each morning.

DT - Our Amazing Capes for Cruella de Vil

Year 2 Exploring Habitiats

21.2.2018 - Investigating Symmetry with Lego

20.2.2018 - Fantastic Map Work - Continents and Oceans

9.2.2018 - Year 2 Shape Hunt

1.02.2018 - Practical Maths - Making Tally Charts and Block Diagrams

Design and Technology - Have a look at our amazing moving vehicles!

Budding Programmers

17th October - Pedestrian Training

26th September - Local Area Walk

18th September - Story Tellers - The Little Red Hen

4th September - Practical Maths

Curriculum information:
Our Classroom Expectations:
Links to other websites:

Best Noun Song Ever!!

Expanded Noun Phrases - Explanation
