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Year 5

On our class page, you will find information about Year 5 curriculum coverage, P.E days, homework, spellings and useful links. Please check regularly for special events and reminders.


Miss Shedlow teaching



Mrs Northrop teaching

Spelling test

New spellings given


Miss Shedlow teaching

Reading logs collected in


Miss Shedlow teaching

P.E - children to come in P.E kits


Miss Shedlow teaching


Key dates

Wednesday 23rd April - Year 5 high school experience day - Boston Spa

Tuesday 6th - Thursday 8th May - Bikeability

Monday 9th - Tuesday 10th June - London residential



Homework Expectations

Reading at least 3 times a week (reading diaries collected every Wednesday)

Spelling Shed x 3 times a week

Times Table Rockstars x 3 times a week

Topic-themed learning - new ideas/ guidance each half-term

First Aid training session

In DT we researched, designed and made Cams. These are simple mechanisms that convert a rotary motion into a linear motion. We used a space theme to link with our Science topic.

In DT, we researched, prepared and cooked seasonal vegetables, adding various flavours such as garlic, soy sauce and honey. Many children surprised themselves with how much they enjoyed the tastes!

Thank you too all our families who have shared pictures, stories and artefacts from the World Wars

Hockey tournament at Wetherby High School

Our ‘press conference’ with LUFC under 18s scholars

Our Lowry inspired Leeds artwork

Football coaching from U18s Leeds United Scholars

Learning about how the Grand Canyon was formed

Back-to-school team building - who can build the strongest tower out of marshmallows and spaghetti?

Useful Websites
