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Year 1 2021-22



Miss Rhodes, Mrs Lumb and Mrs Watts 


Our topic for Summer 2 is 'Robots'


Our timetable:


Tuesday- P.E day 

Wednesday- Library visit (please return library book to be changed)

Thursday- P.E day

Friday- Spelling Quiz


Please continue to come in full P.E kit on P.E days.

In Year 1 we have an outdoor area which we will access in all weathers so please make sure you come dressed appropriately. Please ensure everything is labelled.



Please aim to read with your child at least three times a week.

Weekly spellings are available on the website and on Spelling Shed. These will be tested on a Friday.

Maths quizzes linked to recent teaching are available on Maths Shed if your child wishes to practise. These will be removed a few weeks after teaching. Maths games (such as number bonds to 10) will be available on Maths Shed for the full year.

All games on EdShed are there to support your child and their learning. Please encourage your child to access these regularly.





The toe tap steady beat

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Geography- comparing Cape Town and Edinburgh

DT- creating a chair for teddy

Platinum jubilee celebrations

Science: investigating which material would make the best umbrella

We recently took a trip to our newly developed pond area to get some inspiration for our poetry. It looks fab- thank you Mr Hewitt!

Pattern (Beat)- Group 3

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Pattern (Beat)- Group 2

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Pattern (Beat)- Group 1

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Our Class Assembly

Thank you all for coming to watch our class assembly. It was so lovely to have you in school at last smiley. I'm sure you will agree they all did such a fantastic job and we are SO proud of them! Well done Year 1!

Class assembly- Oceans song

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Class assembly- Mr Macarella moves

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Music- Storytime (Exploring Sounds)

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We explored the different sounds we can make using different classroom objects.

Our portraits inspired by Pablo Picasso

A visit from Kidz Fit!

The Magic Porridge Pot Musical- Music (Exploring Sounds)

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Three Little Pigs Rap Performance Group 3- Music (Exploring Sounds)

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Three Little Pigs Rap Performance Group 2- Music (Exploring Sounds)

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Three Little Pigs Rap Performance Group 1- Music (Exploring Sounds)

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Halloween Dress Up!

We have been working hard designing and making our Antartic animals. First, we needed to learn the different techniques used to mold clay. We had lots of fun practicing pinching, pulling and smoothing our clay. Then we had a look at a local artist Paul Smith. We used his work as inspiration when designing our own sculptures. We labelled our designs with the techniques that we were going to use. After that, we had a try at recreating our designs! Finally, we evaluated our designs with what went well and what we would do next time. It was lots of fun!

We were very lucky to have a visit from the CSI this afternoon! Chris talked to us about the role of the emergency services and discussed each uniform so we know who to approach if we are in trouble. Chris then told us all about the role of a Crime Scene Investigator and we did some investigating ourselves! We were shown how a special mold is created to set footprints and even got to set our own fingerprints to take home. We loved using the camera to take pictures of one another in mini police uniforms. What a fantastic afternoon! Thank you Chris smiley


This week we have been reading non-fiction texts about penguins. We have learnt lots of fun facts and enjoyed writing these down. Have a look at our lovely writing and drawing!

R.E- What stories are special?

This half term in R.E we have been learning about special stories. First we had a think about stories that are special to us and why. Then we learnt about the Bible and why this is special to Christians. After that, we read about the Qur'an and learnt about the different ways Muslims keep their special book safe.

Have a look around our lovely classroom! Can you spot your first challenge?
