Welcome to Year 1!
Our Summer 2 theme is 'Robots.' We will read and write robot-themed stories and poems, paying particular attention to description and language patterns. The children will create and perform robotic dances and use paint packages in computing to design on-screen robots. They will use explore the use of different colours, brushes and shapes.
In Design and Technology we will research, design and then make our own robots with simple levers. We will continue to develop our mathematical skills and understanding. Our topics this half-term are fractions, place value up to 100, position and direction and money.
P.E will be dance and outdoor athletics.
For more information on what we will cover this half-term, please see the medium-term plan at the bottom of this page.
Some important Year 1 notices
Indoor P.E (dance) - Tuesdays
Outdoor P.E (outdoor athletics) - Wednesdays
Show and Tell - Mondays
Library books - changed every Wednesday
Reading books - changed daily (whenever a book has been read at least 3 times). In reading logs it is now noted how many different times your child has read and their name will ascend the reading chart. They will receive stickers for 5 and 10 reads and be able to choose a small gift when they reach 20.
Spelling test - Fridays
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and be tested in class the following Friday. Please practise these as much as time permits for you and your family. We recommend practising daily in short, sharp bursts.
Homework - daily reading
- learning weekly spelling lists for the test on a Friday
- Spelling Shed 3 x a week