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Year 6 2018-19

                                                       Welcome to Year 6


We have a packed last half term planned.  Please find  the medium term planning for this half term below.  This half term we will be visiting Herd Farm, a kit list can be found below.  We will also be preparing for our production Rock Bottom and the Leavers Assembly.  PE days will be Monday and Thursday although they will be subject to change so please can children have PE kits available all week.


                                                             Many Thanks  


                                                    Miss Pickles and Mrs Owen

                                                             Key dates for your diary

17th - 21st June Herd Farm
27th June  Crucial Crew
15th July Year 6 production of Rock Bottom
19th July Year 6 Leavers Assembly


Curriculum Planning:-
Weekly Spelling Sheets and Homework:-

Reading Tests - Reading booklet can't be uploaded, please ask in class for a copy

Trips and visits
Our lovely year 6 children
                                         Year 6 Photographs


DT and Science in Year 6

Year 6 classroom rules

Making timelines in history

PE on the new running track

Curriculum Expectations:-
Website Links:-