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PE and Sport Premium

Physical Education at Deighton Gates 2023 - 2024



How is PE taught at Deighton Gates?

Deighton Gates’ P.E Vision and Mission:


Our P.E vision for across the school is to be ACTIVE:




Team Players



Energetic... and fun for all!


We ensure progression for all pupils and have high expectations across the key skills, and children take ownership of their own learning.


We support children to learn to take risks without being afraid to fail.


Team Players:
We will encourage pupils to work collaboratively to meet goals and overcome challenges.



We inspire our pupils through fun, purposeful and engaging lessons.



We develop each child’s feeling of self worth and help them to support and encourage each other.



We will encourage children to be active and to understand the need for a fit and healthy lifestyle.

PE Premium


From September 2013, Deighton Gates has been in receipt of an annual grant dedicated to PE and Sport in school. This is funded jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture and Media and Sport


In order to achieve sustainability of high quality provision, the majority of the grant is being invested in staff development. 


Please see the 'Evidencing the Impact' forms below which detail our spending. 

Please read the information below which gives details of our PE and Sport Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.