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Year 2 2018-19

Welcome to Year 2!


Here you can find: updates on our learning, curriculum information, letters, spellings, reminders and much more.

Keep checking regularly for updates.


In Summer 2 our topic is: How Does Your Garden Grow? with our main focus being on plants.

(See curriculum information below for a more detailed breakdown on what we will be learning.)


 PE kits are needed in school Monday to Friday.


Weekly Reminders:




Reading diaries collected in

Spelling test

New spellings handed out

NB - Children have the opportunity to change their home reading book each morning.

Homework and Spellings:

Daily Reading

Times Tables Rockstars (At least 3 times a week)

Spelling Shed (At least 3 times a week)

Exploring postion and direction with the new blue-bots.

Tomb Raiders: We had to crack the codes to discover what was inside Tutankhamun's tomb!

We had so much fun at the Dodgeball Festival!

Take a look at our fantastic final products!

We've used ICT to design capes for Cruella Devil before we make them this week!

DT - Phase 3 - Your turn to follow the recipes and make the smoothies at home!

DT - Phase 1 - Smoothie Tasting!

Using Venn Diagrams to Sort 3-D Shapes

World Book Day!

Practical Maths - Lego Symmetry

Labelling the continents of the world on the ipads!

Our amazing session with Kidz Fit!

Sculptures for significant people inspired by the work of Henry Moore!

Our 2D shape hunt!

Thank You Mrs Routledge for our Chinese New Year Celebration Afternoon

Block Diagrams (The next step in learning)

DT - Take a look at our amazing moving vehicles!

Our Christmas Nativity - Tinsel and Tea-towels!

Colourful Collages - Inspired by Henri Matisse

Dyslexia Aawareness Week 2018 - No Pens Day - Practical Maths and Fantastic Storytellers!

Our walk around Wetherby!

Story Tellers - The Little Red Hen

Art - Colourful collages inspired by 'The Snail' (Henri Matisse)

5th Sepetmber - Practical Maths

Curriculum Information:


Our Classroom Expectations:

Website Links:

Best Noun Song Ever!!

Two Times Table

Number Gators (Greater Than, Less Than Symbols Song)
