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Reception 2019-20

Welcome to Reception at Deighton Gates 

2019 - 2020

The Reception Team: Miss Welsh, Mrs Hepburn and Mrs Taylor.


"Lockdown" Reception Style!

Week Beginning: Monday 13th July 2020


If your child is not in school, I thought you may find it useful to know some of the activities we will be doing with the small amount of children we do have in school. In the mornings, we will be doing the same 5 challenges that we are setting for you to do at home, but we will also by filling our time by:

  • Playing outdoors on the bikes, chalking, dancing and making up imaginary games!
  • Some PE activities, such as dancing, balancing, practising our throwing, catching, jumping and running skills. (no equipment)
  • Playing with a small amount of plastic toys, such as mobilo, counting bears, little people and dinosaurs.
  • Enjoying long outdoor snack times in the morning & afternoon.
  • Enjoying lots of stories based around thoughts, ideas and feelings. (read by an adult)
  • Looking at our daily calendar, where we fill in the day of the week, the weather and the timetable for each day.
  • Show & Tell Sessions (about our daily ‘news’, what’s been happening at home, how we are feeling etc.)
  • Singing songs, such as nursery rhymes and popular childrens songs, from our music book & from YouTube.
  • Completing the '30 Days Wild' by the Wildlife Trust.

I’m sharing these to reassure you that you can do all of these things at home too!
Have fun and enjoy! 

Miss Welsh x 

Ongoing bank of resources for school closure:

Welcome to Reception Class 2019 - 2020

You can find out about all the things we will be learning about this half term

by clicking on the curriculum page. 
Our PE day will still be a Wednesday, but please can we ask for PE kits to be in school all week. 

You can keep up to date with our learning every day on Tapestry.

Please scroll down to read our weekly newsletters.

Programming Bee Bots! So much fun & exploration!

World Book Day 2020. Pj's & bedtime stories! (and a little biscuit & hot chocolate treat!)

Highlights from Autumn 2! Minibeasts & 'The Wriggly Nativity!'

Our first day in Reception! School Tour (with special listening hats!) Wednesday 4th September 2019.

Our first full week in Reception & loving it! Woohoo!

Reception Weekly Newsletters:
'Learning Log' activities for each of our topics:  (Optional Homework to support learning) 
Welcome to Reception at Deighton Gates:

Documents for Parents: What to expect, when?


Below, I have attached two very useful documents for parents of children in Reception.


The first document is a guide to the EYFS, the Early Years Foundation Stage. This is the statutory framework for learning in Reception.


The second document is "What to expect, when?"

As teachers, we are looking that children are able to show elements in the 30-50 months and 40-60 months age bands in the Autumn term. Please scroll down to the age bands, and see if you can identify where your child may sit, and therefore how you might be able to support them at home with their learning.

Important Documents:

Tricky Words Sight Words Song Phase Two

Phase 3 Tricky Words Song
