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Year 4 2019-20


Home Learning


Please scroll down to find resources that will support your child's learning at home.

As well as the activities below, you should continue to access Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstars and Lexia (if you have been given a Lexia login). You should also continue to read daily and record this in your reading record.


If you finish your reading scheme books, please continue to read age appropriate texts. You should make a record of the books you read and you could write a review about each one or try to write your own blurb to summarise each book. Remember to add to your 20 books to read in 2020 table!


I have moved last week's resources further down the page if you are still working on those.


Best wishes,

Mrs Thompson & Mr Dodd

Maths Work for the Week:


Please continue to follow the White Rose Maths Scheme for the daily lessons.

There are 2 additional lessons and a pack that you can access over the summer if you wish. 

The White Rose Website have now made the worksheets only available to premium subscriptions which we have as a school, I have added the sheets below. You can still watch the daily videos on the White Rose Website.


The link to the website is below:

Literacy Work for the Week:

This week there are 4 lessons on the bitesize website that we would like you to have a go at from 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th July. The link should take you to previous bitesize lessons then click on the lessons dated above to complete. The first one is revising conjunctions, then features of a news report, then writing headlines and finally writing a newspaper report.


Keep reading your reading scheme book each day and read for enjoyment too.

Remember to add to your 20 books to read in 2020 table!

You could write a review about each book you read or try to write your own blurb to summarise each book.

As well as completing one of the reading comprehension activities in your pack, you can use the four stories reading comprehension below too, which will be updated each week.

There is also a First News Puzzle for you to complete too!



If we were in school now, in History lessons we would be learning about The Battle of Hastings and The Magna Carta. We would like you to choose one of these topics and research information about them then create an informative poster or leaflet about it. You could write down some of the facts and draw pictures to go with them. We have uploaded a PowerPoint presentation with information on both the Battle of Hastings and the Magna Carta and some useful links to websites with more information.

Virtual Great Yorkshire Show

Normally at this time of year thousands of people travel to Harrogate for the Great Yorkshire Show, but this year there is a free event online! Look at the schedule on the link to see if there is something you might like to watch from beekeeping, show jumping, sheep shearing or baking scones across Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.


Below is a PowerPoint Presentation with some examples of stained glass windows, including pictures that previous classes have made. We would like you to have a go at making your own stained glass window using black paper / card and tissue paper. You will need to draw your design first then use the black paper for the outline. There is also some information about rose windows uploaded which links to the stained glass window. Another option is to draw the buildings, like churches and minsters where rose windows are displayed - a classic example is the York Minster.

Outdoor Activities

We have uploaded some outdoor activities from ‘The Wildlife Trust’ for you to have a go at this week or over the summer. Click below to find out more.

Musical Interest

Here is a link where children explain their instruments before playing together in an orchestra.

Screen Free Learning:

We have put 20 ideas for home learning without using a screen on the website. Choose one of the activities to have go at. There are plenty that can be done both inside and outside. Why not write a postcard? If you are coming to the transition activity, you could write a post card to your new teachers telling them a bit about yourself or asking some questions that you would like to find out.


There is a PDF document below with lots of Science activities that can be done at home….including make your own cheese! Let us know if you manage to try any of the ideas.


Click on the link below to join in with everyone else for PE for half an hour each day!

Joe Wicks will be live on Youtube 3 mornings a week from 9am.

Hopefully you will be able to get out for a walk every day too to get some fresh air.


**NEW** Miss Welsh has added some fitness and P.E activities to the P.E webpage, please see the link below:

Escape Room:

If you fancy trying something different this week, maybe one night or during the weekend with your family, you could try an online escape room! There are some options to print out instructions but there is also an online version which is free if you scroll down on this link:

Last Week's Home Learning:

French Cafe

Website Links

Y4 Recommended Reads

Yorvik Viking Trip 13th December

Chinese New Year Lion Dancing

Yorvik Viking Centre Trip
