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Year 2 2022-23

Welcome to our class page. Please check regularly for our curriculum updates and information, weekly spelling lists, letters and more.

Mrs Bourne and Mrs Evans

Daily reminders:

Reading book (in school book bag)

Water bottle

Waterproof coat

Small healthy snack

Weekly reminders:

Monday - 

Tuesday - PE (please come in your PE kit)

                 Library books 

Wednesday - 

Thursday -

Friday - PE (please come in your PE kit)

             Spelling Quiz (lists are available on this page and on Spelling Shed)

             Reading at home check (read at least 3 times at home to move up

             our reward chart) 

Weekly Homework:

Reading at home (at least 3x per week)

Times Tables Rock Stars

Spelling Shed/Spelling List practise



Sports Day 🏃🏃‍♀️

Marvellous Map Makers

Congratulations to Iggy the Piggy. Thank you to FoDGs for our trophy and treats.

P.E: We are developing some great rugby skills thanks to our visiting coach Bodene Thompson

DT: We have designed and made our own animal hand-puppets.

Music: Our performance of ‘Slippery Fish’ Group 2

Still image for this video

Music: Our performance of ‘Slippery Fish’ Group 1

Still image for this video

PSHE: We know how to keep safe indoors and out, including fire and water safety.

Our amazing visit the the Yorkshire Wildlife Park

Our amazing Brazilian Dance workshop

DT Our Class Picnic

DT Picnic Food Project Group 5 Mini Pizza

DT Picnic Food Project Group 4 Banana Muffins

DT Picnic Food Project: Group 2 and 3 Chocolate Shortbread

DT Picnic Food Project: Group 1 Cheese Twists

Music: Our wonderful performance of our Months of the Year Calypso song as part of our Class Assembly

Still image for this video

Art: We have been learning about the work of Barbara Hepworth and have been inspired to create our own sculptures.

Maths: We have explored making and adding equal groups

Music:We had a fantastic time learning about pulse and beat in our Boom Whacker workshop session.

DT Moving vehicles project L.O: I can cut materials safely using tools provided.

We have been inspired by the work of Henri Matisse and have created our own amazing masterpieces.

Music: We can listen to and repeat rhythmic patterns on body and percussion instruments.

Still image for this video

We are learning about the work of Henri Matisse and have been looking at his black line portraits. Art: L.O: We can explore ideas and collect visual information. We can use thick and thin brushes.

Art: L.O: We can mix primary colours to make secondary and we can create colour wheels.

Our Classroom
