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Year 3 2018-19


Welcome to Year 3!


Welcome to Summer 2.   We have an exciting but busy end to year 3 planned.  This half term through our Geography topic we will be comparing Britain and Greece and weaving some of this content in to our writing.  We will also be researching, designing and creating Greek structures in DT to link with this topic and completing our Ukulele lessons.


As usual we will continue to develop our mathematical understanding.  Our topics for this half term will be properties of shape and measurement, mass and capacity.  Questions will continue to be available for additional home practice.  Concepts in the questions will have been covered in class.


For more information on what we will cover this half term, please see the medium term plan at the bottom of this page.


If you have any queries please contact me via the email address.


Thank you

Mrs Gibson


Additional Information

PE will be on a Monday and Thursday this half term.  Please ensure school PE kit and trainers are in school all week to allow for any changes to this.  Please note PE is outside this half term and appropriate clothing, hats, suncream and water bottles will be required.


Fruit is not provided in Key Stage 2 so please ensure your child has a snack with them if required for morning break.  We do not have a break in the afternoon.


Children are expected to read regularly throughout the week, 20 minutes a day is suggested.  Although school readers do need to be read, children are welcome to log any of their own book choices which have been read for 20 minutes.  Children can collect rewards for regular reading throughout the year.  Spellings will also be sent home on a Friday and should be practiced for the following Friday.  Learning Log suggestions linked to our topic our suggested in the attachments below.


Spelling Shed and Timetable Rockstars are to completed 3 times per week instead of formal set homework.

What beautiful weather for a Maths themed Easter egg hunt!

Example arithmetic test

Useful Websites
